Working at Home..
I recently have had the opportunity to work at home and granted it is less money, but I get to be home with my girls more!! When you think about everything it's all a sacrifice and choosing what you want to sacrifice is key. Choosing whats important to me is my family, that's my legacy. I don't wake up everyday trying to keep up with the Jones nor am I worried about other peoples private business. I wake up with a goal of being better than I was yesterday, A better mother, wife, sister and daughter.
So I cant wait to say goodbye to the corporate world and enjoy a latte and yoga pants at home while I work!!!! So far the company is legit and my work environment is awesome!!!! I hated my last job the environment was so unfriendly full of pretentious pariahs who would step over you if you fell in the street and not even offer a hand... I create my own environment and miss out on that big city traffic!!
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